Frequently Asked Questions
Weather Information
Weather can change at anytime. BGW will do the best they can to forecast potential bad weather and act accordingly. We will contact you and let you know if tours are canceled up to two hours before the scheduled tour. Please be weather aware and plan for possible weather.
If the weather interferes with tour, we offer you two options:
Reschedule for a later date
Receive a refund
If we do not cancel the tour and you do not show up we will reschedule you. We will not issues refund for people who did not call before tour to reschedule. Please call if you have any questions.
Parking Information
There are two parking garages located in the area. It is free to park for the first hour, then $1.00/ hr after that. The street usually has free parking on the weekdays, but on weekends, they close down the streets for events. Plan to show up about 30-40 minutes early to secure a parking spot.
Special Thanks
Katherine Reed - Financial Assistance
Sogand - Website Design
Carnegie History Center - Information and help with research
Cindy Hessong - Connections and Insight